While the state park pass is a great deal when it comes to visiting the parks of most states, that is not the case for Hawaii because of one simple fact — Hawaii doesn’t charge for entrance to any of their state parks. That’s correct. Hawaii state parks are free to one and all with no entrance fees. So why are you inside reading this and not on your way to see as many as you can? Have fun 🙂
Hawaii State Park List
Hawaii has the following state parks in their system:
Hawaii Island
Akaka Falls State Park
Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area
Kalopa State Recreation Area
Kealakekua Bay State Historical Park
Kohala Historical Sites State Monument
Kona Coast (Kekaha Kai) State Park
Lapakahi State Historical Park
Lava Tree State Monument
MacKenzie State Recreation Area
Manuka State Wayside
Mauna Kea State Recreation Area
Old Kona Airport State Recreation Area
Wailoa River State Recreation Area
Wailuku River State Park
Kauai Island
Ahukini State Recreation Pier
Ha’ena State Park
Koke’e State Park
Nä Pali Coast State Park
Polihale State Park
Russian Fort Elizabeth State Historical Park
Wailua River State Park
Waimea Canyon State Park
Maui Island
Haleki’i-Pihana Heiau State Monument
Iao Valley State Monument
Kaumahina State Wayside Park
Makena State Park
Polipoli Spring State Recreation Area
Pua’a Ka’a State Wayside Park
Wai’anapanapa State Park
Wailua Valley State Wayside Park
Molokai Island
Pala’au State Park
Oahu Island
Ahupua’a O Kahana State Park known as Kahana Valley State Park
Aiea Bay State Recreation Area
Diamond Head State Monument
Hanauma Bay State Underwater Park
He’eia State Park
Iolani Palace State Monument
Kaʻena Point State Park
Kaka’ako Waterfront Park
Kea’iwa Heiau State Recreation Area
Kewalo Basin
Kukaniloko Birthstones State Monument
La’ie Point State Wayside
Makapu’u Point State Wayside
Malaekahana State Recreation Area
Nuʻuanu Pali State Wayside
Pu’u o Mahuka Heiau State Monument
Pu’u ‘Ualaka’a State Wayside
Royal Mausoleum State Monument
Sacred Falls State Park
Sand Island State Recreation Area
Ulu Po Heiau State Monument
Wa’ahila Ridge State Recreation Area
Wahiawa Freshwater State Recreation Area